Activities on Tikehau

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Tikehau Pearl Beach Activities

 Activities on Tikehau are centered around the resort, the pool, the ocean, and the lagoon. You can relax around the pool, snorkel in the lagoon, take a shuttle boat to Tuherahera Village where you can rent a bicycle in the village, do an all-day picnic on an isolated motu, go on a sunset cruise, take an excursion to Bird Island, go scuba diving, visit the Lagoonarium or visit Bird Island or just do nothing at all.  Below are some photos of the things you can experience on Tikehau. Other photos are under Lagoonarium and Island Picnic. 

A fish farm on the way to Bird Island.

The Bird Island.

Some of the birds you see on the Bird Island.

One of the fun activities in the evening at the Tikehau Pearl Bearl resort is Jeanne  showing the guests how to tie pareos.  Photo courtesy of Tahiti Tourisme.

One of the big activities on Tikehau is just relaxing by the pool.
